"What it's like to break off an engagement" Podcast Interview

Just over 3 years ago I decided to change my life dramatically when I ended my engagement. Yes! You read that correctly: to be married.

The pain, too great to share publicly, is something that has always been a huge part of my story. For a long time I just didn’t talk about it. I hid my relationship status on Facebook along with my feelings, and focused on anything but the fact that I had just torched my future to the ground. The grief was too much to process so I didn’t...until years later when it forced itself back up like some sort of rotten fruit that I had ingested on my own volition.

Got some time this Easter Sunday? Listen below to my podcast interview with Katherine Blanner entitled, “What it’s like to break off an engagement” on her provocative podcast, “Thoughts I Should Keep To Myself.” We cover the good, the bad, the ugly, and my ultimate rebirth of self. Listen below + subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher.

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